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16岁的少女萨拉·贝利(Robin Tunney 饰)外表阳光美丽,却拥有不为人知的痛苦过去。为了寻找生活的希望,她随父亲(Cliff De Young 饰)和继母从旧金山搬到了位于洛杉矶的一座城市,并在当地一所教会学校继续学业。在这里她遇见三个打扮和举止都很怪异的女孩——(费尔鲁扎·鲍克 Fairuza Balk 饰)、邦妮(Neve Campbell 饰)和罗谢丽(Rachel True 饰)。周围的学生没有一个愿意与她们交往,甚至盛传他们就是恐怖的女巫。萨拉无意间展现出的超能力引起南希等人的注意,这四个本质上有着相同气质的女孩很快便走到一起。 他们希望召唤万物之灵马农(Manon),让其进入自己的身体,由此可以使糟糕的生活变得好转起来。只是,世界上绝对没有免费的午餐……
Jacinto Molina
PANIC BEATS begins with a totally nude woman with welts on her body, running through a misty forest full of decayed skeletons. A knight on horseback is chasing her, and we soon learn that he is Alaric de Marnac (a wicked character Naschy first created for HORROR RISES FROM THE TOMB), viciously killing her for her unfaithful ways. After the credits role, we are taken to the present where a descendent of Marnac named Paul (Naschy) is married to the wealthy Geneviève (Julia Saly) was has some serious heart problems. Paul decides to take her to his ancestral home in the country for some peace and quiet, but the superstitious-filled setting opens a Pandora’s Box of terrible occurrences. We soon discover that Paul is a real son-of-a-bitch who plans to scare his wife to death, planning to control her fortune and continue his secret affair with seductive bad girl Mireille (Silvia Miró), who happens to be the niece of the tarot card-reading housekeeper, Mabile (Lola Gaos). Paul’s malevolent scheme works, but he still has to worry about an additional money-hungry mistress (this guy really gets around!), the unforgiving Mabile, as well as new fianceé Mireille who might be hiding a thing or two herself. More grisly murders follow, and the ghost of Marnac returns from hell to punish the most despicable human character in the film. PANIC BEATS was also written by Naschy (under his real name Jacinto Molina) who injects the film with an old-fashioned spooky house motif, beefed up with a modern movie sense of violence and sexuality. The film offers nothing too innovative storywise, and even Naschy admits on the disc’s extras that it was partly inspired by GASLIGHT and REBECCA, but he seems to just toss in a hodgepodge of exploitation and horror ingredients, while delivering a stylish and enjoyable effort with a number of twists and some genuinely chilling moments. The camera shots and lighting are both effective, and there's even does a cool set-up (much like what Freddie Francis did in THE SKULL and THE CREEPING FLESH) where we see the point of view of Marnac through his dark helmet as he stalks his female prey. Graphically, we are exposed to everything from a plate of bloody eyeballs, to victims being beaten relentlessly with the various Medieval weapons affixed on the house’s walls (for example, someone is axed in the stomach, followed by the soaked entrails oozing out!). Naschy’s most frequent 1980s leading lady, Julia Saly, is not given much to do, but with her offbeat looks, is a nice presence nonetheless. The prominent female star here is Silvia Miró who is seen in the buff frequently, and she certainly makes for some well-appreciated Euro starlet eye candy. Naschy himself is very good in the film, putting on conniving facades, carrying a number of women on a string, being a real malicious bastard, and for the umpteenth time in his career, playing two roles in a one film. http://www.dvddrive-in.com/reviews/n-s/panicbeats8283.htm
在墓地中,芭芭拉(Patricia Tallman 饰)和哥哥强尼(比尔·莫斯利 Bill Moseley 饰)受到了丧尸的袭击,没过多久,受伤的强尼受到感染加入了丧尸的队伍。求生的欲望引领着芭芭拉来到了一处民宅,在那里,她遇见了同样在躲避丧尸的本(托尼·托德 Tony Todd 饰)。躲在屋子里的并非只有本和芭芭拉两人,在地下室里,汤姆(Bill Butler 饰)与女友朱迪(凯蒂·芬内朗 Katie Finneran 饰),哈里(Tom Towles 饰)和海伦(McKee Anderson 饰)夫妇逐个现身。 除了数量上的差异,体能和抗击打能力方面的巨大差距让屋内众人的存活几率降到了最低。屋外是狂暴嗜血的丧尸,屋内是手持刀枪的人类,一场血腥的战争即将拉开序幕。
胡八一(阮经天 饰)出国在即,整理旧物时翻出一张老照片。那时,他和胖子(刘潮 饰)正作为知青在大兴安岭的山区插队。山里的生活让年轻气盛的他们如鱼得水,为了换几斤水果糖,上山打黄皮子(黄鼠狼),为了给人治病捉熊取胆,没想到二人误入一座坍塌的黄皮子祠。传说几十年前,一伙号称 “泥 儿会”的胡匪曾从黄皮子祠挖出一口描金嵌玉的箱子,随后这伙胡匪和箱子就一起消失在了漠北草原。 此时,恰逢战友丁思甜(郝好 饰)来信邀请他们去草原做客,二人欣然前往,哪知正赶上牧牛受惊。为寻找丢失的牧牛,三人和牧民老羊皮进入俗称阎王殿的百眼窟。在这里,竟有一些日本“给水部队”的遗迹,一座没有房间的怪楼,一个编号是“0”的地下室。更可怕的是,两只全身白毛的黄皮子一直尾随着他们……
高中女生芳山和子(原田知世 饰)与好友堀川吾郎(尾美としのり 饰)、深町一夫(高柳良一 饰)打扫教室卫生。和子独自一人时,听到实验室传出奇怪响声。她推门进入,却看见一支烧瓶跌落地上,瓶中流出冒着白烟的不明液体。在闻到一股薰衣草香气后,和子倒在地上不省人事。 在两名好友的帮助下,和子从昏迷中苏醒。原本以为没有关系的她却惊奇地发现,她拥有了穿越时空的能力。地震、好友所遇到的危险全都在真实度极高的“梦中”出现,而就在对童年的回溯中,和子渐渐发现了好友身上的一个秘密…… 改编自筒井康隆同名科幻小说,原田知世处女作,大林宣彦“尾道三部曲”之一。
美国的塔尔萨,17岁的詹姆斯有一个绰号叫“摩托车手”的哥哥。“摩托车手”是一个传说中的神奇人物,擅于打架斗殴,并是一个天生的青年帮会的领袖。一天晚上,詹姆斯和女朋友帕蒂约会时碰到了号称“打架大王”的威尔科斯,“打架大王”向詹姆斯挑衅,两人打成一团。詹姆斯不是对手,多处受 伤,在这关键时刻,消失了两个星期的“摩托车手”突然出现了,赶走了“打架大王”,并照料詹姆斯。厌倦了过去生活的“摩托车手”同黑社会脱离了关系,行踪不定,但仍享有很大的名气。由于经常逃学,詹姆斯被学校开除了,帕蒂也同他分了手。一天,詹姆斯在一家动物商店发现了“摩托车手”,哥哥将一些红、蓝两色的暹罗斗鱼指给弟弟看,并告诉他:这些鱼如果被关在密闭的容器里就会相互厮杀,直至死亡。“摩托车手”要将暹罗斗鱼带到河边去放生,这样它们就不会自相残杀。但就在他走到河边的时候,却被警察开枪打死。詹姆斯遵循着哥哥最后的指示,带着暹罗斗鱼,骑上摩托车,直向大海而去。
The last year of life of the Italian-French painter Amedeo Modigliani (1884-1920) who died with 36 years, was played by Gérard Philipe, who was lethally sick during the shooting of this movie and died shortly after its release, 1959, with 36 years - on one of the two diseases that Modigliano had himself and exactly in his age. Further, this movie was directed by Jacques Becker - after the sudden death of Max Ophüls. Becker, too, died only 2 years after this movie.
十一年前,香港的富家郑家老太太和她的二媳妇在七月盂兰节的卖物会上高价投得了一块晶莹古玉。岂料自此二嫂性情大变,一日,郑家二爷提前回家,撞见了二嫂与古玉变得怪物在偷情,一怒之下,二爷摔碎了古玉。不料此后二爷浑身腐烂痛极跳楼而死,二嫂不久亦坠楼身亡。 郑老太请来法师超度亡魂,法师用黄符封了二爷的房间,讲二嫂的尸骨亦封于房间,告诫老太太二嫂已经有了怪物的魔胎,现用符封住了她的神位,12年内不可移动,否则魔胎诞生、恶魔降世。一晃十一年过去了,这天郑老太大寿孙子权(刘丹 饰)带着女儿安安(吕绣菱 饰)回来祝寿。安安见了二爷的房间封满黄符,好奇之下闯了进去,不小心移动了二嫂神位上符纸……
江天蓝(刘涛 饰)和刘展鹏(涂松岩 饰)结婚了八年,也吵了八年,终于不堪忍受婚姻生活折磨的两人决定离婚。之后,刘展鹏结识了公司里新来的女同事杜敏秋(潘雨辰 饰),两人之间渐渐碰撞出了爱情的火花,刘展鹏眼看着就要向人生的下一个阶段迈进。 这边厢,婚后就再也没有外出工作过的刘天蓝必须为自己的将来打算了。她来到了主任医师韩向东(芦芳生 饰)的家中,成为了一名钟点女工。江天蓝崎岖的身世和单纯善良的性格渐渐吸引了韩向东的注意,在后者的帮助下,江天蓝考取了营养师的资格证书,为她的职路开辟了新的方向,在此过程中,两颗孤独受伤的心亦渐渐靠近。
电影讲述的是韩国登山家朴武宅于2004年在攀登海拔8750M的珠穆朗玛峰时,不幸遇难。为了寻回同伴的遗骨使他们安息,严弘吉(黄政民饰)率团前往珠穆朗玛峰,开始了新一次远征。5月29日,严弘吉和他的队员不负众望,在8700 M处找到了朴武宅的遗体,在冰雪皑皑的世界屋脊之巅 举行了隆重的安葬仪式,并且立碑为念。当时这件事曝光后,也引发了感动如潮。 韩国演员黄政民此次在片中饰演亚洲首位完成14座8000米的韩国登山家严弘吉一角。该片将由推出了《海云台》、《舞后》、《快递惊魂》等影片的JK Film担当制作,通过《和声》展现了细腻掌镜力的康大奎导演将再执导筒。影片还将在尼泊尔等地的雪山实地取景,以展现更加真实的雪山风貌。
Nagesh Kukunoor
Rainbow is an uplifting, enchanting, magical fable set in Rajasthan that reinforces the belief that life is beautiful. The story revolves around the wonderful relationship between a 10-year old girl Sakina and Chotu, her 8-year old brother who live in a picturesque village nestled among the sand dunes. Having lost their parents to an accident at a very early age, they live with their uncle and aunt. Chotu is blind but he is anything but sad. Happy, precocious and a smart ass, he is the life of the village.Sakina is his eyes, his guide and his best friend. And Chotu is the center of Sakina's universe. As children sometimes do, not truly understanding the consequences, Sakina has promised Chotu that he will be able to see by the time he turns 9 and as always, Chotu believes her unconditionally. On their weekly trip to the neighboring village to see a movie, Sakina sees a poster with Sharukh Khan (SRK) appealing to people to donate their eyes. Sakinais convinced that her reel life hero ... Written by Nagesh Kukunoor
Shanjey Kumar Perumal
Appoy is a school kid with a creative mind who couldn't cope up with the formal system. All the while he got attention through his art. When he was forced to the edge of the system he begin to lose his identity. Later he is pushed into a loser category. At one point he begins to get attention when he started to perform outside of the system as a wild character. Because of the strong outer factor of the system and due to confused feelings he chose to remain as a wild character without knowing he is actually being a slave of the rottening system.
1993年,粗鲁张扬的男人约瑟夫·杜森特(乔什·布洛林 Josh Brolin 饰)在深夜遭人绑架。当他醒来时,发现身处一个完全封闭的房间。每天有人按时送来一成不变的饺子,却没人告诉他为什么将其囚禁在这里。他愤怒、沮丧、绝望、哀伤,通过房间里的电视机,得知前妻堂娜·霍桑被人残忍杀害、年仅三岁的女儿米娅被人收养的消息,而自己则背负了杀人犯的罪名。万念俱灰的约瑟夫求死不能,为了女儿他锻炼身体,试图从牢笼中逃脱。漫长的二十年过去,体格健硕的约瑟夫又意外地被人释放。他求助于好朋友恰吉(迈克尔·因佩里奥利 Michael Imperioli 饰),并得到了美丽女孩玛丽的帮助(伊丽莎白·奥尔森 Elizabeth Olsen 饰)。 约瑟夫靠着仅有的线索追查自己被囚禁的原因,而他也终于逼近那个可怕的真相……